Radiation Alert OBSERVER Software For Collecting Counts From Radiation Detectors


List Price : $99.00 Price : low price on store
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Product Description

Radiation Alert Observer (serial) software collects, logs, and performs statistical analysis on data from radiation detectors. Observer software reads in counts per minute (CPM), and counts per second (CPS). It displays and analyzes alpha and beta particle, and gamma ray and x-ray counts in ionizing radiation detection. A serial over USB cable included with the software connects immediately to a computer.

Information is displayed on-screen as a graph, and as either a digital or an analog meter. The data can be saved, manipulated, and printed in various ways, including spreadsheet format. Dwell and count time can be configured for each point on the graph. On-screen meters have adjustable settings, such as automatic or manual range settings, meter response time, and an alarm setting triggered by a CPM threshold. The meter click can be played through PC speakers. The Observer software comes with a one-year limited warranty.

Software is a set of computer instructions that is stored electronically. It is used to process information in a wide variety of personal and professional applications, such as business, and health and safety management. It is used in conjunction with hardware, such as a storage device in a computer, or a meter. Software can come in the form of an operating system, utilities that allow a computer to function, and in programs such as word processors, database management systems and spreadsheets that perform work for users.

SE International manufactures radiation detection products and accessories under the Radiation Alert brand. The company was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Summertown, TN.

What’s in the Box?

  • Observer software
  • Serial over USB cable
  • Instructions

  • Serial version of Observer software collects particle and ray counts in radiation detection
  • Collects, logs, and performs statistical analysis on counts per minute (CPM) and counts per second (CPS) data received
  • Data displayed on-screen on a graph, and digital or analog meters
  • Works with Windows-based computers and can be used with Radiation Alert Inspector+, Inspector + EXP, Inspector Xtreme, Digilert 50, and Geiger radiation detectors
  • Serial over USB cable connects immediately to computers

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Radiation Alert OBSERVER Software For Collecting Counts From Radiation Detectors

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent software. Nicely complements the Monitor 4 geiger counter, October 7, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Radiation Alert OBSERVER Software For Collecting Counts From Radiation Detectors (Misc.)
I recently purchased the excellent Monitor 4 geiger counter Radiation Alert MONITOR4 Analog-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector, and due to the analog display, I wanted software to get a more accurate timed count for testing for contaminated food and drinks. I am very happy with the software so far. Very easy to use. It comes with a cord to hook up my Monitor 4 to my PC. Having owned both the Monitor 4 and Inspector+ Radiation Alert INSPECTORXTREME Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector , the Monitor 4 can also measure very low levels of contamination when used with the Observer software. Usually the Inspector+ requires only a 10-minute timed count to measure average... Read more
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Osun Technologies RF0010 Radiation Finder


List Price : $0.00 Price : low price on store
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Product Description

Osun's Radiation Finder is the first one on the market that uses Safe/Caution/Warning labels with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to indicate the radiation strength of high frequency as well as low frequency electrical and electronic appliances. It is easy to use, and does not require a technical background. The Radiation Finder can be used to detect both low and high frequency EMF produced by appliances such as cell phones, microwave ovens, power lines, TVs, computers, electrical fans, AC alarm clocks, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, and washers and dryers. The list is extensive.

Please note: this product is intended to measure electric fields, and does not detect nuclear radiation.

  • For cell phones, routers, microwave ovens, power lines, TVs, computers, electrical fans, AC alarm clocks, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, and washers and dryers
  • 3 dimensional detection means easy, accurate and speedy detection of radiations in all directions
  • Detect BOTH Low Frequency (LF) and High Frequency (RF) radiation strength of all household appliances and wireless devices
  • Easy to use with Safe/Caution/Warning lights - no technical background needed

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Osun Technologies RF0010 Radiation Finder

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27 of 27 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Keep in mind..., March 23, 2011
This review is from: Osun Technologies RF0010 Radiation Finder (Electronics)
This is bascally a bug detector or a magnectic field detector. It is not goign to tell you if your Dryer is going to kill you, and it does NOT detect the type of radiation that you would get from a dirty bomb or a nuke.
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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Not a Geiger Counter, so why does it appear when searched?, June 14, 2011
This review is from: Osun Technologies RF0010 Radiation Finder (Electronics)
Why does this device appear when you search Amazon for "Geiger Counter?" It is not even related to a geiger counter and does not detect alpha, gamma, or beta particles. It may be that the seller has embedded "geiger counter" in the index by "accident", if you get my drift. Read the specs carefully and make sure it does what you want it to do.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Didn't detect anything, October 30, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Osun Technologies RF0010 Radiation Finder (Electronics)
I am not an expert on these things - but this detector didn't seem very sensitive. In my whole house nothing has a detectable EMF radiation level. I'm either really lucky or it isn't very accurate/sensitive. I also have a power line in my yard with a trunk station (looks like a metal trash can mounted on a telephone pole). These are not supposed to be very good to be near - but the Osun detector did detect it from about five yards away and gave it a yellow light. From other literature I've read this leads me to believe that the detector isn't picking up smaller amounts of EMF. Probably better to invest in something non-ipsative anyway.
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cheapest Radiation Alert MC1K High Range Analog-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector for sale


List Price : $565.00 Price : low price on store
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Product Description

The Radiation Alert MC1K is a hand-held radiation detector that detects a high range of potentially harmful ionizing gamma and x-ray (40-100 keV) radiation with an internal Geiger-Mueller (G-M) tube, and has an energy-compensated sidewall for a linear reading. This dual-scale, analog meter displays counts per minute (CPM), and milliRoentgen (mR) per hour. Four selectable operational ranges, of X1, X10, X100, or X100, detect gamma rays and x-rays of ionizing radiation. The ranges can be adjusted when the meter face peaks at the highest mR level.

The MC1K model has a red, flashing counter and a beeping noise to indicate each ionizing radiation event. It has a halogen-quenched GM tube for sensing ionizing radiation. It checks radiation levels in the environment and objects, such as particle accelerators, x-ray shielding, and industrial gauges. An audio indicator with an internally mounted beeper can be turned off for silent operation. It has a one-year, limited warranty.


Reading Ranges Two reading ranges of 0 to 0.5, 0 to 5, or 0 to 50 milliRoentgen (mR) per hour, or 0 to 500, 0 to 5,000, or 0 to 50,000 cycles per minute (CPM).
Operational Ranges X1 in 0.05 increments 0 to 1 mR/hr or 0 to 0.01 milliSievert (mSv) per hour; X10 in 0.5 increments 0 to 10 mR/hr or 0 to 0.1 mSv per hour; X100 in 5.0 increments 0 to 100 mR/hr or 0 to 1.0 mSv per hour; X1000 in 50.0 increments 0 to 1000 mR/hr or 0 to 10.0 mSv per hour.
Accuracy Factory-calibrated by pulse generator, with accuracy + or -15% of reading full-scale, relative to Cesium 137.
Energy Sensitivity 1,000 CPM/mR/hr (Cs137). The energy response for gamma and x-rays through the detector sidewall is flat within +61% or -26% over the range of 40 keV to 100 keV, and within +35% or -17% over the range of 100 keV to 1.3 MeV.
Sidewall Detection Energy-compensated sidewall with 2 mm tin filter. 40 keV minimum through the sidewall of the detector. Energy compensation is only effective through the sidewall.
Temperature Range -20 degrees to 55 degrees C (-4 degrees to 131 degrees F) and an internal detector.
G-M Tube Halogen-quenched, internal Geiger-Mueller tube. The effective diameter is 0.92 cm/0.36”.
Dimensions Dimensions are 209 mm x 71 mm x 50 mm (8.2” x 2.8” x 1.9”).
Weight 235.7 g (8.3 oz).
Output 3.5 mm headphone jack for use with observer software (not included) and Windows-based computers.
Normal Background Radiation Approximately 4 CPM.
Battery 9-V alkaline battery (not included) for approximately 2,000 hours of continuous use in a normal background.

Radiation detectors, sometimes called Geiger counters or G-M counters, can detect a broad range of ionizing alpha and beta particles, and gamma and x-rays that may be emitting harmful levels of radiation. Many detectors sense ionizing radiation with an enclosed Geiger-Mueller (G-M) tube to count radiation particles or rays. Alpha and beta particles are measured in counts per minute (CPM) or counts per second (CPS). Gamma rays and x-rays are measured in milliRoentgens (mR) per hour, microSieverts (μSv) per hour, or milliSieverts (mSv) per hour. Alpha particles are positively charged and heavier than beta particles, and have a limited range of approximately 3 to 5 centimeters by air. Alpha particles can be shielded by objects such as paper and unopened skin. High-energy beta particles are electrons, heavier than gamma rays, and can take either a positive or negative charge. Beta particles can be shielded by aluminum or wood. High-frequency (short wavelength) gamma rays are the strongest and lightest rays. Gamma rays are more penetrating than alpha and beta particles. They can be shielded by dense materials such as lead, and large masses of concrete, hardened steel, or water. X-rays are man-made gamma rays, and have essentially the same properties and function. Radiation detectors commonly have either an analog or a digital display. Analog radiation detectors output with a needle-point scale, and digital units generate a numerical LCD digit display. Radiation detectors are commonly used by hobbyists for safety detection and rock inspection, and professionals in the in the nuclear, medical, mining, instructional, and research industries.

SE International manufactures radiation detection products and accessories under the Radiation Alert brand. The company was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Summertown, TN.

What’s in the Box?

  • Monitor 4C1K radiation detector
  • Carrying case with belt clip
  • Instruction manual
  • Conformite Europeene (CE) certification

  • Radiation detector used to check levels of potentially harmful ionizing particles and rays in the environment and in objects such as particle accelerators, x-ray shielding, and industrial gauges
  • Detects ionizing radiation gamma rays and x-rays
  • Dual-scale analog meter with needle-point display of counts per minute (CPM) and milliRoentgen (mR) per hour
  • Four selectable operation ranges of X1, X10, X100, and X1000 for adjustment when peak mR levels are met
  • Energy-compensated sidewall provides more linear readings of gamma rays and x rays (above 35 keV) than the Monitor 4 model

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Radiation Alert MC1K High Range Analog-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector

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cheapest Radiation Alert INSPECTOR Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector for sale


List Price : Price : low price on store
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Product Description

The Radiation Alert Inspector is a hand-held, microprocessor-based radiation detector that detects potentially harmful ionizing alpha and beta particles, and gamma and x-ray radiation, has a four-digit, LCD digital display of millirem (mR) per hour, and function indicators. This radiation detector can detect low levels of the four main types of ionizing alpha and beta particles, and gamma rays and x-rays over automatic operational ranges. It is optimized to detect small changes (low levels) in radiation levels and to have high sensitivity to many common radionuclides.

The Inspector counts ionizing radiation changes, and the unit of measurement is selected and displayed using the mode switch. The display shows various indicators, based on the mode setting, the function performed, and remaining battery power. These include low battery, alert, timer, total mode (to see the number of times a reading should be multiplied by to obtain the correct radiation count), calibration mode, utility menu (timer, calibration, alarm set mode), and units of measurement. It has automatic operational ranges for a variety of radiation detection. A red, flashing counter and a beep noise indicate each ionizing radiation change event. The display updates every three seconds. At low background levels, which are typical in a geographic area, the update is the moving average for the most recent 30-second time period. The time period for the moving average decreases, as radiation levels increase. The radiation detector has a 2”, halogen-quenched, uncompensated Geiger-Mueller (G-M) tube with a thin, mica end window for sensing ionizing radiation. A radiation symbol on the front label marks the center of the detector. It is used for surveying naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) contamination, gross wipe counting, contamination inspection of packages, equipment, and people, regulatory inspections, and for low energy radionuclide detection. This detector has a utility menu on the back of the unit. The menu has a three-second response, and switches the detector from mR/hr and counts per minute (CPM) to μSv/hr and counts per second (CPS). It also can reset the calibration factor to 100, adjust calibration, and reset all settings to the default factory setting. The radiation detector has an audio indicator with an internally mounted beeper that can be turned off for silent operation. The Inspector has a one-year, limited warranty for materials and craftsmanship, and a 90-day warranty on the GM tube.


Reading Ranges 0.001 (1μR) to 100.00 mR/hr, or 0 to 350,000 CPM, or 0.01 to 1000 μSv/hr, 0 to 5,000 CPS, total counts 9,999,000 μSv/hr
Calibration Calibrated electronically using a pulse or function generator. Electronic calibration requires a cable with a 2.5 mm plug, with the tip carrying the signal.
Accuracy MR/hr + or - typical (NIST), + or -15% maximum 0 to 100, μSv/hr + or - 10% typical (NIST), + or - 15% maximum .01 to 1000, CPM + or - 10% typical (NIST), + or - 15% maximum 0 to 350,000 (referenced to Cs137). It has a factory default calibration reset option that will automatically reset to auto averaging, mR/hr, CPM, and CAL (calibration) 100.
Energy Sensitivity 3340 CPM/mR/hr, referenced to Cesium (Cs) 137. Energy sensitivity detects alpha down to 2.0 MeV. It detects beta at 0.16 MeV with typical 25% detection efficiency at 1 MeV. It detects gamma down to 10 keV through the end window.
Detection Smallest detectable level for I-125 is 0.02 μCi at contact. It detects gamma and x-rays down to 10 keV typical through the window, and 40 keV minimum through the sidewall.
Manual Range Switch Sets at X1, X10, X100, or X1000 to indicate the multiplication factor which determines the complete radiation level.
Temperature Range -10 degrees to 50 degrees C (14 degrees to 122 degrees F), and an internal probe.
Alert Set Range 0 to 50 mR/hr, and 1 to 160,000
G-M Tube A halogen-quenched, uncompensated G-M tube with an effective diameter of 1.75”(0.45 mm).
Window Thickness 1.4 to 2.0 mg/cm2.
Normal Background Radiation Approximately 10 to 20 CPM. The meter will hold at full-scale in fields as high as 100 times the maximum reading for anti-saturation.
Dimensions 145 mm x 72 mm x 38 mm (5.7” x 2.8” x 1.5”)
Weight 327.4 g (11.55 oz)
Output Two 3.5 mm headphone jacks can connect to a computer or datalogger, such as complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) or transistor-transistor logic (TTL) device. Sub-mini jack input allows for electronic calibration. The probe port located at the end panel attaches the internal probe.
Battery 9-volt alkaline battery for approximately 2,160 hours of operation with continuous use in a normal background. Minimum battery life is 625 hours at 1 mR per hour.

Radiation detectors, sometimes called Geiger counters or G-M counters, can detect a broad range of ionizing alpha and beta particles, and gamma and x-rays that may be emitting harmful levels of radiation. Many detectors sense ionizing radiation with an enclosed Geiger-Mueller (G-M) tube to count radiation particles or rays. Alpha and beta particles are measured in counts per minute (CPM) or counts per second (CPS). Gamma rays and x-rays are measured in milliRoentgens (mR) per hour, microSieverts (μSv) per hour, or milliSieverts (mSv) per hour. Alpha particles are positively charged and heavier than beta particles, and have a limited range of approximately 3 to 5 centimeters by air. Alpha particles can be shielded by objects such as paper and unopened skin. High-energy beta particles are electrons, heavier than gamma rays, and can take either a positive or negative charge. Beta particles can be shielded by aluminum or wood. High-frequency (short wavelength) gamma rays are the strongest and lightest rays. Gamma rays are more penetrating than alpha and beta particles. They can be shielded by dense materials such as lead, and large masses of concrete, hardened steel, or water. X-rays are man-made gamma rays, and have essentially the same properties and function. Radiation detectors commonly have either an analog or a digital display. Analog radiation detectors output with a needle-point scale, and digital units generate a numerical LCD digit display. Radiation detectors are commonly used by hobbyists for safety detection and rock inspection, and professionals in the in the nuclear, medical, mining, instructional, and research industries.

SE International manufactures radiation detection products and accessories under the Radiation Alert brand. The company was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Summertown, TN.

What’s in the Box?

  • Inspector radiation detector
  • Carrying case with belt clip
  • Instructions
  • CE certification

  • Radiation detector used for surveying levels of potentially harmful ionizing particles and rays in the environment such as in naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) contamination, and for gross wipe counting, contamination detection of packages, equipment and people, regulatory inspections, and for low energy radionuclide detection
  • Microprocessor-based radiation detection meter with 4-digit, LCD display of millirem (mR) per hour and function indicators
  • Detects low levels of alpha and beta particles, and gamma and x-rays for a range of ionizing radiation type detection
  • Built-in, adjustable timer indicates radiation level increases
  • Red, flashing counter and a beep noise indicate each ionizing radiation increase event

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Radiation Alert INSPECTOR Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector

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Radiation Alert INSPECTOR Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector Reviews

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Really good meter for 95% of uses., September 2, 2011
Eric -- (State College, PA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Radiation Alert INSPECTOR Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector (Misc.)

Excellent meter. I have used one for > 10 years.

Called the Inspector because it was designed with a Health Physics Inspector in mind. Light, cpm, mrem/hr (or mSv/hr) pancake GM probe for high efficiency beta detection when looking for low levels of contamination. Easy battery replacement. Built in scalar for very low measurements. It holds its calibration very well.

It is not completely reliable for radiation measurements above about 40 mrem/hour. But for laboratory inspectors or the general public, you really don't need anything above 40 mrem per hour anyhow. If you need to measure > 30, grab a separate meter. Extreme beta fields may make it shut off and drop to zero (i have seen this twice), but there were a LOT of betas flying about and if you backed up the meter a few inches it beeped and flashed as over-ranged.

It will break if dropped. oops
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Gadget, November 25, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Radiation Alert INSPECTOR Microprocessor-Based Ionizing Radiation Detector (Misc.)
This gadget is excellent use! It is very high sensitive, because its mica-window of detector is 45mm diameter. Also, alpha, beta rays can be detected and can be used to examine the surface contamination. However, it took me six months to receive this item after ordered. But most Japanese people need this item currently. As you know radioactive contamination is a problem mainly in eastern Japan. I hope Amazon.com and SEintl'inc. conduct many back-orders as soon as possible.
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