Low cost Inspector+ Radiation Meter, Geiger Counter on discout
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Product Description
INSPECTOR+ Geiger Counter
Enhanced Sensitivity To Low Level Radiation
Larger detector window and digital readout make this our most sensitive and accurate radiation meter for alpha, beta, gamma and X-rays. Simple to use in basic mode with characteristic Geiger Counter clicking sound, plus advance features which allow the user to adjust the averaging time, switch from mR/hr to microSv/hr, and output data to computer or data logger (optional software required). Slide switch offers 3 modes of operation: mR/hr, CPM, total counts. Now with audible alarm! Made in USA. Portable hand held, requires a 9V battery.
- Measure radioactivity easily and accurately
- Checks alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray
- LCD readout and adjustable audio alarm
- Output as mR/hr, microSv/hr, counts per minute, total counts
- Large halogen quenched GM tube
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