cheap Digital Geiger Counter with Wand & PC (serial) Output for sale


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Product Description

Images SI Inc's Digital Geiger Counters are useful for detecting and measuring radioactivity. The model GCA-04W uses an external wand that houses the geiger mueller tube. It's applications are: Education - Classroom demonstrations and experiments. Emergency Services and Domestic Preparedness; HAZMAT and Compliance Verification. Dirty Bomb Screening and EMT's. It detects the following types of radiation: Alpha above 3 MeV, Beta above 50 KeV, X-Rays above 50 KeV, Gamma above 7 KeV. The Geiger Mueller (GM) Tube detector is Ne + Halogen filled. The GM tube's has a.38 effective diameter 1.5-2.0 mg/cm2 mica end window. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is 16 character by 2 line that provides an easy to read output. Switch selection allows Geiger Counter to measure and convert radiation (counts per second) into in mR/hr or mSv/hr. Factory calibration insures accurate measurement. Secondary indicators; audio (clicks) and visual (LED) included. Also includes a headphone jack and a power jack for external power. The GCA-04W outputs serially the counts per second to our Windows PC program for charting and recording the measured radiation over time. Serial cable RS-232 adapter is an available accessory.

  • Detector Sensitivity: Alpha above 3 MeV Beta above 50 KeV; X-Rays above 50 KeV, Gamma above 7 KeV
  • Resolution and Range: 1 Count Per Minute (CPM) - 3,500 Counts Per Second (CPS)
  • Radiation Resolution and Range 1 uR/hr - 500 mR/hr; METRIC Scale .01 uSv/hr - 5.0 mSv/hr
  • LCD 16 characters by 2 lines with backlight provides easy to read output.

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Digital Geiger Counter with Wand & PC (serial) Output

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Digital Geiger Counter with Wand & PC (serial) Output Reviews
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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Product, July 13, 2011
This review is from: Digital Geiger Counter with Wand & PC (serial) Output
This Geiger Counter is great, and it's super accurate. I Love the wand feature, and the software and set up make it so easy to collect data and analyze it using a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel. I would highly recommend getting this product for both professionals and amateurs.
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6 of 69 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Geiger Counters too expensive, March 29, 2011
This review is from: Digital Geiger Counter with Wand & PC (serial) Output
This geiger counter would be useful after the tragedy in Japan, but the price is not within the reach of a normal consumer!
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