cheap Trifield 100XE EMF Meter for sale


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Product Description

The Trifield ® Meter is a gaussmeter, electric field meter, radio field strength meter in a single until. When measuring electromagnetic fields (EMF's), the primary concern is usually magnetic fields, which can be tricky to measure. If a less sophisticated 1-axis gaussmeter is used, a reading of zero could result even where the field is strong. A 1-axis meter must be oriented correctly to measure the field (which is a vector). The 3-axis Trifield Meter solves that problem by measuring the true strength of the field regardless of which way it is oriented. Therefore, the Trifield Meter can be scanned rapidly across an area without having to stop at each point to search for the orientation that gives a maximum reading. Another section of the meter detects AC electric fields, which can exist independently of AC magnetic field. The third section detects radio/microwave, such as from a leaky microwave oven.

  • Magnetic, Electric, and Radio/microwave Detection All in One Package
  • Omni-directional electric and magnetic sensitivity
  • Hand-held portability and simplicity
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Made in USA

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Trifield 100XE EMF Meter

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Trifield 100XE EMF Meter Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
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116 of 121 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars It changed my behavior, October 1, 2009
This review is from: Trifield 100XE EMF Meter (Tools & Home Improvement)
How often do you buy a product that changes what you do?

I became aware of EMF problems because of a friend who has power lines just outside her condo. After considerable research, I bought the TriField meter as the best product for the money. BTW I found that it's slightly cheaper plus free shipping if you make an offer on eBay to buy it. This product is great! Clear directions, and measures all the stuff that's important.

Here's what I'm now doing differently:
1. I rearranged our TVs so the older high-radiation sets are in rooms we don't use very often.
2. I sit on the other side of the dining table when the living room TV is on (it radiates like fury in all directions, out to 6 feet distance).
3. I try to stay 6 feet away from the microwave oven when it's on (you would be amazed at the field strength it produces).
4. Whenever possible, I set my cell phone (iPhone) a foot away instead of in my pocket next to my body - every... Read more
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97 of 102 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars A necessary device for health protection, April 26, 2009
Daryl Bannister "sun lover" (Scottsdale, AZ USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Trifield 100XE EMF Meter (Tools & Home Improvement)
I recently purchased one of the TriField EMF meters. I am a realtor and I had a client concerned about EMF from nearby power lines, so I decided to do my own test. Everyone has heard about the possible health threat from EMF. Any reading above 3 is not suppose to be exposed to for long periods of time. I checked with the power company and they stated the power lines were 12Kv which is low compared to high voltage transmission lines on towers. Wow, was I shocked and amazed. By the house and below the lines the readings were 15-20. I backed down the street away from the lines and I experienced high levels of exposure pass the second house on the block. We also recently purchased a massage bed and usually laid on it for 30 minute sessions. This too had extremely high EMF readings in the 20+ range. Forget about paranormal and ghost detection. Everyone should have one of these meters to see what they are being exposed to daily. With such high occurances of cancer and other... Read more
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54 of 56 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Device, June 7, 2007
This review is from: Trifield 100XE EMF Meter (Tools & Home Improvement)
This device works perfectly. Very good and sensitive for needs for health and wellness to know how much microwave radiation we are exposed to. Try turning it on near your microwave oven while it's running and see how far you have to back away to be safe.
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