cheap Geiger Counter Terra-P, Dosimeter Radiometer Radiation Detector MKS-05 IP30 for sale


List Price : $1,499.00 Price : low price on store
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Product Description

The dosimeter-radiometer MKS-05 "TERRA-P" is designed to measure equivalent dose (ED) and equivalent dose rate (EDR) of gamma radiation, and to evaluate surface contamination by beta radionuclides. Additionally, the dosimeter performs the functions of time indication and alarm clock.
The dosimeter is used in everyday life for housing constructions monitoring, for ground surface and vehicles radiation monitoring, for products monitoring, as well as visual equipment at educational institutions.
The dosimeter is a mono block construction with a built-in detector of gamma and beta radiation (Geiger-Muller counter), a printed board equipped with electronic components and power supply.
The principle of operation of the dosimeter is based on the transformation of radiation by Geiger-Muller counter into the consequence of voltage pulses; the number of pulses is proportional to the registered intensity of radiation. Power for operation is provided by two batteries of AAA type.

Attention to potential customers:
This device has manufactured in Russian Federation. However - we are pleased to include an English version of the user manual, as well as quick start guide.

  • The dosimeter-radiometer MKS-05 "TERRA-P" (hereinafter called the dosimeter) is designed to measure equivalent dose (ED) and equivalent dose rate (EDR) of gamma radiation, and to evaluate surface contamination by beta radionuclides. Additionally, the dosimeter performs the functions of time indication and alarm clock.
  • The dosimeter is used in everyday life for housing constructions monitoring, for ground surface and vehicles radiation monitoring, for products monitoring, as well as visual equipment at educational institutions.
  • The dosimeter contains no external parts exposed to voltages hazardous for life.
  • The dosimeter is not dangerous for the users. The dosimeter is ecologically safe.

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Geiger Counter Terra-P, Dosimeter Radiometer Radiation Detector MKS-05 IP30

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